9 Best Ways To Prevent Maskne

9 Best Ways To Prevent Maskne

What is Maskne?

Since the pandemic began, face masks have become an essential item in our lives. While they may be effective in preventing the spread of the virus, wearing a mask for extended periods of time can cause irritation, breakouts, and other skin problems. This condition is commonly known as “maskne” – mask acne. Are you ready to discover the 9 best ways to prevent maskne? They are described below.

Still wearing your mask? Take a moment to think about what’s going on behind your mask. You’re constantly breathing in it, you’re sneezing in it, and coughing in it. Working in a place where a mask is still required probably means that you’re wearing one for at least 6 hours per day. That is a very long time.

Maskne is what we call acne caused by wearing a mask. Its generally located in the area covered by the mask. The moisture from our breath, the heat from the enclosure of the mask, along with the carbon dioxide that is released from our nose and mouth, can cause breakouts in the area that the mask covers. Also, the materials that masks are made of can be irritating to the skin. Check out these 9 ways to prevent maskne and leave a comment if you’re dealing with maskne.

If you’re experiencing maskne, don’t worry. Here are 9 best ways to prevent maskne and treat it.

prevent maskne

1. Choose The Right Mask

The type of mask you wear can make a big difference in preventing maskne. Avoid masks made of synthetic materials, such as polyester or nylon, as they can cause skin irritation and trap moisture. Instead, opt for masks made of natural materials like cotton or silk. These fabrics are breathable, gentle on the skin, and don’t trap moisture.

When selecting a mask, make sure it fits well and doesn’t rub against your skin. A loose-fitting mask can cause friction against the skin, leading to irritation and breakouts. On the other hand, a tight-fitting mask can cause pressure points, leading to skin damage and acne.

It’s also important to clean your mask regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and oil. Wash your mask after each use with a gentle, fragrance-free detergent and avoid using fabric softeners, which can irritate the skin.

2. Keep Your Skin Clean

Clean skin is essential in preventing maskne. Make sure you wash your face twice a day with a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser. Avoid harsh soaps and scrubs, which can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause irritation.

If you have oily skin, use a toner after cleansing to help control oil production. Look for toners containing salicylic acid, which can help unclog pores and prevent breakouts. If you have dry skin, use a moisturizer after cleansing to keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness.

3. Moisturize

Prior to wearing your mask for the day, be sure to moisturize your face with an appropriate moisturizer that compliments your skin. It will act as a bit of a barrier of protection.

4. Wear a Different Mask Every Day

Maybe you don’t have the time or energy to wash your mask every day. So, having several masks may be the way for you to go. You can have a different mask that matches every outfit. That’s always a fun way to wear a mask for sure. If you’re wearing the surgical masks, it is recommended that you discard them at the end of the day and wear a new one each day.

5. Wash Your Mask

If you have a fabric mask, the best thing that you can do to prevent acne is to wash the mask daily. You don’t have to throw it in the washing machine, unless you are already doing a load. You can hand wash the mask with soap or detergent and warm water. Use a mild soap or detergent and rinse thoroughly as detergents and soaps on the face can cause a whole problem in itself.

6. Don’t Wear Makeup Under Your Mask

Wearing makeup under your mask can clog pores and cause breakouts. If you must wear makeup, use non-comedogenic products that won’t clog your pores. Look for makeup labeled as “oil-free” or “non-comedogenic.” It’s also important to avoid wearing heavy foundation or concealer under your mask. Instead, opt for lightweight tinted moisturizers or BB creams that provide coverage without clogging pores.

7. Take Breaks from Wearing a Mask

Breathing behind a mask can be a lot to deal with on a daily basis. Not to mention, what harm it can be doing to our skin. Take little breaks to let your skin breathe freely. When you walk away from the desk to make photocopies, pull the mask down while you’re at the copier. When you’re in the bathroom, let your skin breathe. Unless someone is in there doing a number 2, then in that case put your mask back on.

8. Treat Existing Maskne

If you’re already experiencing maskne, there are several ways to treat it. First, try using a spot treatment containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These ingredients can help unclog your pores and reduce inflammation. In severe cases, you may need to see a dermatologist for prescription-strength treatments.

9. Apply a Detoxifying Mask

You can also try using a clay mask once a week to help draw out impurities and excess oil. Look for masks containing kaolin or bentonite clay. Apply a detoxifying mask 2-3 times per week for a deep cleansing and moisturizing treatment. Charcoal clay masks draw the impurities out of the skin. Sheet masks are easy and fun. Place it on your face for 10-20 minutes.

Maskne is a common problem for many people, but it’s not inevitable. By following these five tips, you can help prevent maskne and keep your skin healthy and clear.