7 Day water challenge for healthy skin

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava

7 Day Water Challenge

Water For Healthier, Prettier Skin

I’ve included this 7 day water challenge for healthy skin to help you build a good habit. Drinking water is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your skin. Drinking water will help flush toxins out of the body. This includes flushing toxins out of your skin. Plenty of water will work wonders for someone trying to have smooth, glowy skin.

Thirst & Dehydration

If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Thirst is not a good thing. Thirst is a response to having a lack of fluid in the body. If you are dehydrated, your skin is dehydrated. If you are thirsty, your skin is thirsty. Thirst is a mechanism that tells your body that you need to hurry up and drink some water. Water is the most readily available source of fluid, yet we still don’t drink enough of it. Dehydration occurs when the body is not taking in as much water as it loses or uses. Signs and symptoms that you are dehydrated can include itchy skin and skin that wrinkles when squeezed together.

Use Clean Water

About 70% of the body is made up of water. All of the cells and organs in the body including the need water in order for them to function properly. Water regulates body temperature, helps the intestines digest food, protects the spinal cord, and lubricates the joints. Water helps support the kidneys. The kidneys remove waste products and excess fluids from the body through the urine. The kidneys act as a filter and all waste and excess nutrients are removed from the body through the bladder. Without water this process is compromised and can lead to kidney stones and other dangerous infections.

7 day water challenge for healthy skin

No More Toxic Drinks

To help keep you from buying toxic drinks while you’re away from home, try filling a water bottle and carrying it with you while you’re at work, shopping, or running errands.

If you don’t care for the taste of water, you can infuse your water with different fruits to give it a little flavor. Try adding slices of lemon, lime, oranges, mint leaves, and or cucumber. My favorite combination is lemon, limes, cucumber and mint leaves.

Did You Know?

Did you know that at least 7% of people in the United States don’t drink any water at all? At least 60 to 75 percent of people in the United States don’t drink enough water daily.

About 70% of the body is made up of water. All of the cells and organs in the body need water in order for them to function properly. Water regulates body temperature, helps the intestines digest food, protects the spinal cord, and lubricates the joints. Water helps support the kidneys. The kidneys remove waste products and excess fluids from the body through the urine. The kidneys act as a filter and all waste and excess nutrients are removed from the body through the bladder. Without water this process is compromised and can lead to kidney stones and other dangerous infections.


1. Set your alarm on your phone to ring every hour as a reminder to drink water.

2. Label a half-gallon of water with times at different levels from the top to bottom. For example, at 7 am drink down to the line. At 8 am drink down to that line. And so on.

3. Carry several bottles with you and be sure to finish them by the end of the day.

How To Complete The Water Challenge Successfully?

It is important to know the importance of the 7-Day Water Challenge. The purpose and importance of this challenge is to get you to make a positive change to your drinking habits. Drinking sodas and sugary drinks daily can have a negative effect on your health. If drinking water becomes a habit for you, you won’t desire unhealthy drinks. You will be surprised at how sweet things taste after you’ve flushed your system with water.

Remember, you’re not only changing your habits, your flushing fat and toxins from your body, and helping your skin.

Before you begin, you should know that you should drink an appropriate amount of water for your weight. Too little water will be insufficient and also it isn’t safe to drink too much water.Get an accurate account of your weight. Once you have your weight multiply that number by .67 and the number will tell you how much water you should drink in ounces.For example, if you weigh 170 lbs., multiply 170 times .67 and that will tell you that you should be drinking about 114 ounces of water per day, which averages to about seven 16 ounces bottles of water per day.You can spread it out by doing 1 bottle an hour for 7 hours.

Here’s an example to follow:

Current weight 120 pounds = 120x.67=80.4ounces/8 oz = (10) 8oz glasses of water or (5) 16 oz bottles of water

This person will drink 5 bottles of water per day for 7 days

This concludes the 7-Day Water Challenge instructional guide to completing successfully. This may seem like a small challenge but it is a big deal and I want you to complete it with confidence. Once you complete the 7 Days, move to 14 days. Keep going until you can drink water daily for 30 days. You will feel much better in the end and you will have developed a new habit, and most of all, your skin will look more hydrated.